Thursday, 17 April 2014

Don’t let Failures Break You, Allow Them to Make You

There is no success without failures and challenges. Failures motivate you to take up a challenge; they motivate your desire to be victorious. Don’t run from them, don’t get defeated by them, rather, face them and defeat them.

 Often it has been seen that students find it quite an uphill task to deal with failure. One re-exam and all their confidence vanishes. Dear, giving up all hopes had never been a solution, but trying has always been. Recall your childhood memories, how many times did you fall before finally walking or even standing? Did you quit trying, we guess the answer is no. Then what is hindering you now?

At PTU, we believe that no student should ever allow failure to be his or her stopping stone. We try our best in turning failure as stepping stones for the brighter future. For the same, we are sharing some words that can enlighten your inner consciousness:

It is the fear of failure that bothers you the most
In this success-driven society, it is the fear of failure that hinders most of the students. The fear that ‘if I will fail the society will make fun of me; my friends will not talk to me; my parents would be ashamed of me’ and so on keeps on haunting for long. Until and unless you don’t get rid of these fears, you can’t get rid of the fear of failure. Always remember, it is not the society that makes you, it is you who makes the society. If you turn successful, it is you in the first place who will be happy, and if you lose, it is you in the first place again who will be sad. Then where did this society come from.

Wish to beat it then face it and accept it
 I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
                                                                                                - Thomas A. Edison

The man, who is till date regarded as a genius inventor by the world, failed 10,000 times but didn’t give up. So, to err is human, there is nothing wrong in it. However, it’s wrong if you run away from your mistakes.
 Admit it that you failed and try to find out the reason behind it. It is the only way to success. Edison said it so loud and clear, he found 10,000 ways that didn’t work and then in his 10,001th attempt he removed all those wrong ways, as simple as that.

The last note

PTU hopes that by now you would have understood that failure is not the end of life; it’s just another chance to give a fresh start. Be it an academic exam or a life changing moment, if you failed once that doesn’t mean you have lost it; it only means that you have been given the golden chance to try it again in a better way. Wish you all the best.  

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